
Showing posts from December, 2018

Why is a Shoryuken such a complicated motion?

This answer will be long, but I'm going to try to lay it out as thoroughly as I can because this is a common complaint with multiple potential responses. So, moves like the shoryuken or hadoken, or "motion moves" as I'll refer to them for the rest of this, have been around for ages in a variety of games from fighting games to beat-em-ups to even recently making their way into Smash Bros. But what value do they serve over, say, mapping that same action to its own button? Let's stick with the Shoryuken and then look at it as it is found in Street Fighter, Smash Bros, and then Shadows over Mystara(SoM), a beat-em-up. The purpose of the move is the same in all three games. A fast reversal move that is strong as a ground-to-air attack, an attack from the ground that is at advantage vs an opponent in the air. Now let's take a look at the motion for each game. (I'll try to use proper notation for every game, but keep in mind I'm a KOF player. lol. Nu...